Comedian and former Super Crappy co-host Kevin Lau (not Kevin Hart) loves The Village. After hearing another podcast talk shit on it, he’s finally had enough of the slander. Join us as we dig into everything that does and doesn’t work about Shyamalan’s iconic thriller, asking the big questions like “Is that Jesse Eisenberg?!?”
To clarify, the guest of the show today is not Kevin Hart. It’s Kevin Lau, who is not Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart is cool, but this ain’t him. Kevin Lau is cool too. If you googled Kevin Hart and ended up here, you won’t find Kevin Hart, but I think you should give us a listen anyway.
The latest episode of I Like to Movie Movie can be found on, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and pretty much everywhere else. Not Wal-Mart though. We tried to make a deal but apparently they can only sell “tangible” goods. Yeah okay, Wal-Mart.